EXIM 5th Subordinated Bond | eRecruitment

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EXIM Abalamban
EXIM ABALAMBAN is an investment scheme facilitating project aimed to provide fixed and working capital in the field of small & medium level General business and Workshop & light engineering etc spread all over Bangladesh through our branches & CMSME Service Center. The product offers investment facilities for the purpose of working capital finance and/or fixed assets purchase. The investment risk of the product is to be covered by a strict evaluation and assessment of customer's credit history and track record with any bank/financial institution in Bangladesh.
Feature of investment
To extend investment facilities for operating and extending small and medium level business & industries.
To provide investment facility very promptly and easiest way.
Disbursement of investment single or multiple phases according to the nature & requirement of business.
Facility of repayment at a time or through installments according to the nature of return of the business.
In case of working capital/ trading, opportunity of renewal of the limit on expiry.
Opportunity of enhanced investment on the basis of satisfactory business transaction and business requirement.
Rules of investment
An application in a prescribed from.
A valid trade license with a document of establishment of the business.
Field of investment:
General business- Working capital investment
Workshop & light engineering Fixed & working capital investment.
Rice mill (Chatal)- - Fixed & working capital investment.
Limit of investment
As per customers requirements justifying smooth operation of the business supported by requisite paper/documents under the scheme.
For fixed capital validity is 01(one) to 03(three) years and for working capital validity will be 01(one) year, which is renewable on expiry upon satisfactory business transaction.
Compliance of existing investment rules & regulation.
Rate of Profit / Rent
For fixed/working/capital rant/ profit rate will be simple and to be fixed by the bank time to time.
Equity investment ratio
For small entrepreneur : 50:50
For medium entrepreneur : 60:40
Mode of investment
For fixed capital : Izara Bil Bia (IBB)
For working capital : Bai- Muajjal (BAIM)/ Bai-Murabaha
Source of investment
Bank’s own fund
Primary: hypothecation/ mortgage on fixed and floating assets of the business.
For small entrepreneur: if the project is situated on own land, mortgage of the land and if applicable personal guarantee of (with net worth statement) 02 (two) local persons (acceptable to bank). If the project is situated on rented or leased property, security may be asked for on the basis of nature /status of the investment proposal.
Criteria/ factors for selection of investment customer
Value of fixed asset.
Expertise of entrepreneur
Annual transaction & income.
Bank has taken following initiatives for upgrading as well as increasing MSME investment to the thirst sectors identified by the Bangladesh Bank and Government.
Established Help Desk in each of its branches for proper counseling to the MSME customers/entrepreneurs.
Established Women Entrepreneur Dedicated Desk to provide service exclusively to the women customers.
Displayed Name & Cell number of focal officers of Head Office in each branches to have spot suggestion/opinion on the issue.

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