Export Import Bank of Bangladesh PLC.
Information Memorandum (IM) of EXIM 6th Subordinated Bond | eRecruitment

About EXIM Bank
History of EXIM Bank
Vision, Mission, Corporate Philosophy
Awards & Achievements
Corporate Social Responsibilities
Bank Operational Area
Core Banking Solution
Corporate Governance
Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Board Audit Committee
Risk Management Committee
Shariah Board
Management Team
Shareholder Information
- Price Sensitive Information
 Products & Services
Retail Banking
Corporate Banking
SME Banking
Agri Banking
 Financial Reports
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Credit Rating
Basel –III Market Disclosure
Prime Operational Area of the Bank
Export Import Bank of Bangladesh PLC. is one of the full fledged Shariah Based Modern Islami Banks offering Corporate and Large Investment, CMSME and Agricultural sectors with its 118 branches all over the country. Besides, in accordance with Bangladesh Bank instruction, we have a dedicated Woman Entrepreneurship Development Unit to work with the concept of Financial Inclusion- a vital step undertaken by the government of Bangladesh. In this context, we have a strong and competitive Sustainable Finance Committee as well as a Risk Management Committee of the Board in order to comply with the formalities of Bangladesh Bank. Meanwhile, the bank has already achieved tremendous result in CMSME and agricultural sectors. We also have a number of industrial investments to accelerate large projects and industrial developments. We have successfully invested a large amount of capital in the RMG sector, a very important sector of our economy. In these phenomena, we have taken vigorous steps to achieve a realistic and fruitful result as a whole.


  Retail/Consumers investment.
  Micro enterprise investment.
  Small and Medium Enterprise investment.
  Large and Corporate investment.
  Syndicate investment .
Definition of CMSME:

Definition of Cottage, Micro, Small and Medium Industry/Enterprise As per CMSMESPD Circular # 2 & 3 dated 29/06/2017

Cottage Industry Fixed Assets
(Excluding Land & Building)
Total No. of Employees Maximum Limit Maximum Yearly Turnover

An Industry/Enterprise where max are family members

Less than Tk.10.00 lac 15 persons or less Tk.10.00 lac  
Micro Industry Fixed Assets
(Excluding Land & Building)
Total No. of Employees    
Service Concern Less than Tk.10.00 lac 15 persons or less Tk.25.00 lac  
Trading Concern Less than Tk.10.00 lac 15 persons or less Tk.25.00 lac Tk.1.00 Crore
Manufacturing Concern Tk.10.00 lac – Tk.75.00 lac 16-30 persons or less Tk.1.00 Crore  
Small Industry Fixed Assets
(Excluding Land & Building)
Total No. of Employees   Max. Yearly Turnover
Service Concern Tk.10.00 lac – Tk.2.00 Crore 16-50 persons Tk.5.00 Crore  
Trading Concern Tk.10.00 lac – Tk.2.00 Crore 16-50 persons Tk.5.00 Crore >Tk.1.00 to 12.00 Cr.
Manufacturing Concern Tk.75.00 lac – Tk.15.00 Crore 31-120 persons Tk.20.00 Crore  
Medium Industry Fixed Assets
(Excluding Land & Building)
Total No. of Employees    
Service Concern Tk.2.00 Crore– Tk.30.00 Crore 51-120 persons Tk.50.00 Crore  
Trading Concern - - -  
Manufacturing Concern >Tk.15.00 Crore–Tk.50.00 Crore 121-300 persons Tk.75.00 Crore Maximum 1000 persons
Woman Entrepreneur:
If any woman be a proprietress of any proprietorship concern or possesses at least 51% ownership of any partnership or registered joint stock company, she will be considered as ‘Woman Entrepreneur’.
Investment Target 2017 Enhancement Target Target 2021  

CMSME Sector

Minimum 20%

Yearly Minimum 1%

Minimum 25%

Out of Total Annual Investment

Investment Target at present Enhancement Target Target 2021  

Woman Entrepreneur

Minimum 10%



Out of Total CMSME Investment

Investment Industry   Target 2021  


Service Concern


Minimum 25%

Out of Total CMSME Investment

CMSME Sector

Trading Concern


Maximum 35%


Manufacturing Concern


Minimum 40%

Investment in Cottage, Micro & Small Entrepreneur to be minimum 50% out of total CMSME investment

Modes of investments:
  Bai-Murabaha comes from a combination of two Arabic words. Bai means purchase & sale, while Ribhum means agreed upon profit. It is a system of investment by a Shariah based Islami Bank through which Bank purchases goods as per terms of contract with the client from the market, take the possession of the goods as pledge in the godown of the Bank or godown of the client under Bank’s control duly insured and sale these to the client on partly or wholly in cash after fixing price with profit & other expenditures.
  Bai-Muajjal is a combination of two Arabic words. Bai means purchase & sale, while Ajl means a fixed time or fixed period. Bai-Muajjal is a type of investment through which bank purchases goods from market as per order/contract and sale on credit to the investment client duly fixing the sale price adding profit & other expenditures with the purchase amount repayable within a fixed period in lump sum or at a time or by installments.
  Bai-Salam is a combination of two Arabic words Bai and Salam. Bai refers to purchase & sale while Salam means advance. Payment of Bai-Salam transaction is made in advance. This is a system of investment where price of the goods (agricultural products) determined by the buyer and seller, paid earlier at the time of contract and took delivery of the goods as per specification, size, quality, quantity at a future time in a particular place.
  The term ‘Ijarah’ is an Arabic word which is derived from the term ‘Ujrat’ means consideration, return, remuneration, wages or rent. Thus, Ijarah means to give something on rent. It is the mode used in Islamic banks under which any asset owned by the bank, by creation, acquirement /or building-up is rented out is called Ijarah or leasing.
  Ijarah Bil Bia (IBB)
  Ijarah Bil Bia (IBB) is a mode of investment under which the Bank as per contract shall invest for purchasing durable assets like Machineries, Equipment, Transport, Land and Building etc. along with the client with the stipulation that the client shall pay off the rent at the agreed rate on the outstanding equity of the Bank together with the installments of principal amount of equity of the Bank for the purpose of eventual ownership of the concerned asset.
  Quard-e-Hasana is profit free investment to the small producers, farmers and entrepreneurs who are not qualified to receive financing from other sources.
  Musharaka Documentary Bills(MDB)
  Bank allow Musharaka Documentary Bills (inland) and Musharaka Documentary Bills (Foreign) to finance exporter.
  Bai-as-Sarf is a contract of exchange of money for money. It is practiced for providing post-shipment finance facility against foreign currency export bills.

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