Mudaraba Exim Student Savers |
Features |
Mudaraba Student Savings Deposit Account |
Remarkable provisional rate of profit. |
No service charge/account maintenance fee. |
Minimum initial deposit i.e. Tk.100/-. |
Minimum Account Maintenance balance i.e. Tk.500/- |
Half-yearly account statement. |
Facility for payment of Tuition Fees through the A/C. |
Debit Card Facility with limited withdrawal. |
Free ATM Cash withdrawal from all ATMs of EXIM Bank. |
Free SMS Banking for statement/balance checking. |
Mudaraba Monthly Student Savings Scheme Account |
Remarkable provisional rate of profit. |
No service charge/account maintenance fee. |
Minimum installment size. |
Option of Standing Instruction for depositing installment(s) from MSD/MSSD Account. |
Savings for future. |
Terms & Conditions |
Mudaraba Student Savings Deposit Account |
Specially designed account opening form for Mudaraba Student Savings Deposit (MSSD) account as well as the account opening form for Mudaraba Savings Deposit is to be filled in & signed by the operator accordingly. |
The accounts would be operated by any of the parents or legal guardian (to be specified in due field) until the account holder becomes adult (to be informed to the bank by the operator or the account holder himself) after which it will cease the operating power of parents or legal guardian and the Mudaraba Student Savings Deposit account would be converted into our Mudaraba Savings Deposit account and the account holder must sign the account opening form as well as a fresh signature card. The account to be operated by the account holder himself/herself until/unless he/she gives any instruction in this regard by appearing at the bank. |
Operation of this account will be guided by the Money Laundering Prevention Act-2012 and other terms & conditions as prescribed by the Bank from time to time. |
In case of transaction of unusual amount, the bank may seek clarification from the operator. |
Terms & Conditions regarding operation of Mudaraba Savings Deposit account will be the integral part of this account provided that it does not conflict with the same of Mudaraba Student Savings Deposit account. |
Mudaraba Monthly Student Savings Scheme Account |
Specially designed account opening form for Mudaraba Monthly Student Savings Scheme (MMSSS) account as well as the account opening form for Mudaraba Monthly Savings Deposit Scheme account is to be filled in & signed by the operator accordingly. |
The account to be operated by any of the parents or legal guardian (to be specified in due field). |
Monthly installment to be deposited within 20th day of each month. |
If the account holder becomes adult (to be informed to the bank by the operator or the account holder himself), balance at the maturity of the account or in any other circumstances which may be deemed fit to the bank, would be released to the account holder or as instructed by him/her by appearing before the bank. |
Terms & Conditions regarding operation of Mudaraba Monthly Savings Deposit Scheme account will be the integral part of this account provided that it does not conflict with the same of Mudaraba Monthly Student Savings Scheme account. |
Any field and/or terms & conditions of Account Opening Form may be changed by the Management of the bank (if deems necessary) from time to time. |
Requirement for opening the account: |
Two copies of recent passport size photograph of account holder attested by the operator. |
Two copies of recent passport size photograph of operator attested by the introducer. |
One copy passport size photograph of each nominee attested by the operator |
Photocopy of student's ID card duly attested by the Head of Institution. |
Photocopy of last paid pay slip of tuition fees. |
Introduction by an account holder or Head of School/College or any person acceptable to the Bank. |