Bangladesh Bank Refinance |
COVID-19 1st PHASE AGRI REFINANCE: Total fund Tk.5000.00 crore as per Bangladesh Bank ACD Circular No: 01, dated: 13/04/2020 (Circular validity from 13/04/2020 to 30/06/2021). |
Agreement signed with Bangladesh Bank: 03 May, 2020. |
Bangladesh Bank allocation: |
1st time allocated of Tk.127.00 crore (Achieved) |
2nd time allocation enhancement from Tk.127.00 crore to Tk.147.00 crore(Achieved) |
Category: COVID Agricultural investment |
Mode of investment: IBB(Agri) & Bai-Muajjal(Agri) |
Profit markup/Rent: 4% (Where 1% will be paid for Bangladesh Bank fund use & 3% for EXIM Bank fund management) |
Validity of Investment: 18 months from the date of disbursement |
Position up to September 2021: |
EXIM Bank Approved amount & clients |
EXIM Bank Refinance claimed amount & clients |
Bangladesh Bank allowed refinance amount & clients |
Tk.148.75 crore & 357 |
Tk.148.75 crore & 357 |
Tk.105.88 crore & 312 |
Achievements / Awards: |
We have received “Letter of appreciation” signed by Honorable Governor of Bangladesh Bank for achieving 101.19% target under Taka 5000 Cr refinance scheme on 17 May 2022. |
COVID-19 2nd PHASE AGRI REFINANCE: Total fund Tk.3000.00 crore as per Bangladesh Bank ACD Circular No: 02, dated: 14/09/2021 (Circular validity from 14/09/2021 to 30/09/2022). |
Agreement signed with Bangladesh Bank: 04 October, 2021. |
Bangladesh Bank allocation: |
Tk.50.00 crore |
Agricultural sectors: |
Crops (Category: Granular crops, Cash crops, Vegetables, Stack/ Kandal crops-where import substitute crops are not included as per Bangladesh Bank Agri. & Rural Credit Policy & Program |
Fruits & Flowers cultivation. |
Fisheries |
Poultry farm: Broiler & Layer poultry farm, Duck farm, Titir Farm, Pigeon farm, Sonalika farm, Turkeys farm, Koel farm, etc. |
Cattle farm: Dairy farm, Beef fattening, Buffalo farm, Gayal farm, Goat farm, Sheep/Ram farm, Garol farm, etc. |
Agri farming & Irrigation equipments. |
Seed cultivation. |
Category: COVID Agricultural investment |
Mode of investment: IBB(Agri) & Bai-Muajjal(Agri) |
Profit markup/Rent: 4% (Where 1% will be paid for Bangladesh Bank fund use & 3% for EXIM Bank fund management) |
Validity of Investment: Crops sector: 12 months & other sectors: 18 months from the date of disbursement. |
Position up to 30 September, 2022: |
EXIM Bank Approved amount & clients |
EXIM Bank Refinance claimed amount & clients |
Bangladesh Bank allowed refinance amount & clients |
Tk.54.54 crore & 259 |
Tk.56.00 crore & 259 |
Tk.50.00 crore & 219 |
COVID-19 1st PHASE MFI REFINANCE: Total fund Tk.3000.00 crore as per Bangladesh Bank FID Circular No: 01, dated: 20/04/2020 (Circular validity up to 20/04/2023). |
Agreement signed with Bangladesh Bank: 02 June, 2020. |
Bangladesh Bank allocation: |
1st time allocated of Tk.50.00 crore (Achieved) |
2nd time allocation enhancement from Tk.50.00 crore to Tk.100.00 crore |
Investment sectors: |
Low Income professionals, farmers and marginal/small businesses men under MFI linkage |
Category: COVID Agricultural investment |
Mode of investment: IBB(Agri) |
Profit markup/Rent: 3.5% (Where 1% will be paid for Bangladesh Bank fund use & 2.50% for EXIM Bank fund management) |
Validity of Investment: Each phase for 04 quarters/12 months from the date of disbursement |
Position up to June 2022: |
EXIM Bank Approved amount & MFIs |
EXIM Bank Refinance claimed amount & MFIs |
Bangladesh Bank allowed refinance amount & MFIs |
Tk.77.50 crore & 5 |
Tk.77.50 crore & 5 |
Tk.77.50 crore & 5 |
COVID-19 2nd PHASE MFI REFINANCE: Total fund Tk.3000.00 crore as per Bangladesh Bank FID Circular No: 02/2021, dated: 28/10/2021 (Circular validity up to 30/06/2023). |
Agreement signed with Bangladesh Bank: 02 June, 2020 (Continued) |
Bangladesh Bank allocation: |
: Tk.100.00 crore (For each year.) |
Investment sectors: |
Low Income professionals, farmers and marginal/small businesses men under MFI linkage |
Criteria: 1) MRA Solvency Certificate required 2) Fund may be taken from 05 banks, 3) 25% fund will be distributed among women, 4) Individual highest of Tk.0.75 lac & minimum 05 members group highest of Tk.3.00 lac, Entrepreneur highest of Tk.15.00 lac & minimum 05 members entrepreneur group highest of Tk.60.00 lac. 5) Individual: Entrepreneur disbursement ratio=70:30, 6) Each MFI can get fund: 40% of last FY loan outstanding or 5% of Tk.3000.00 crore whichever is lower. |
Category: COVID Agricultural investment |
Mode of investment: IBB(Agri) |
Profit markup/Rent: 3.0% (Where 0.50% will be paid for Bangladesh Bank fund use & 2.50% for EXIM Bank fund management) and MFI investment rate is 9% (declining balance method). |
Each phase for individual/Entrepreneur 04/08/12 quarters or 12/24/36 months from the date of disbursement. |
Position up to June 2023: |
EXIM Bank Approved amount & MFIs |
EXIM Bank Refinance claimed amount & MFIs |
Bangladesh Bank allowed refinance amount & MFIs |
Tk.150.00 crore & 5 |
Tk.122.50 crore & 5(Revolving) |
Tk.122.50 crore & 5 |
COUNTRY FOOD SAFETY/SECURITY (CFS) AGRI REFINANCE: Total fund of Tk.5000.00 crore as per Bangladesh Bank ACD Circular No: 07 dated: 17/11/2022 (Circular validity from 29/12/2022 to 30/12/2024). |
Agreement signed with Bangladesh Bank: 29 December, 2022. |
Bangladesh Bank fund allocation: Tk.85.00 crore |
Agricultural sectors: |
1) Paddy cultivation 2) Roots crops cultivation 3) Vegetables cultivation, 4) Fruits & Flower cultivation 5) Fishery 6) Poultry farm 7) Beef fattening 8) Dairy farm 9) Goat farm, Sheep/Ram farm, Garol farm. |
Category: CFS Agricultural investment |
Mode of investment: IBB(Agri) & Bai-Muajjal(Agri) |
Highest ceiling: Tk.1.00 crore, but Fishery & livestock highest ceiling Tk.20.00 lac. |
Profit markup/Rent: 4% (Where 0.50% will be paid for Bangladesh Bank fund use & 3.50% for EXIM Bank fund management) |
Validity of Investment: Highest 18 months including 03 months grace period from the date of disbursement. |
Position up to September 15, 2024: |
EXIM Bank Approved amount & clients |
EXIM Bank Refinance claimed amount & clients |
Bangladesh Bank allowed refinance amount & clients |
Tk.81.80 crore & 320 |
Tk.73.60 crore & 298 |
Tk.71.81 crore & 284 |