Export Import Bank of Bangladesh PLC.
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Integrated Treasury Services
EXIM Bank has a separate and well staffed Treasury & Financial Institutions Division (TFID) under which its treasury activities are carried out. Being an integrated treasury, it is responsible for managing fund of both local & foreign currency. Managing liquidity risk, profit rate risk and exchange rate risk is an integral part of treasury activities. Treasury tries to maintain optimum liquid fund after maintaining CRR, SLR, ID Ratio etc. properly. In case of deficit liquidity, it can source fund from interbank market and incase of surplus liquidity, it can deploy fund in interbank market. It also manages the Balance Sheet in such a way so that various treasury risk indicators like ID Ratio, LCR, NSFR, maturity gap between assets and liabilities, asset mix, liability mix, wholesale borrowing, commitment etc remain within regulatory and/or internal limit. Major tool in the hand of treasury to control Balance Sheet is profit rate on deposit and investment. So, another major task of treasury is to determine these rates in collaboration with Asset and Liability Management Committee (ALCO). TFID also generates profit by managing fund prudently and efficiently via its dealing team which is most active, dedicated & specialized to prove superior service on pricing and the best possible solution for customer requirement and market information. The dealing team works in a world standard Dealing Room which is well equipped with modern facilities like Eikon & Foreign Exchange Trading platform provided by Thomson Reuters and other contemporary communication system. We have an extensive correspondence network all over the world to cover up any treasury needs.

There is also a sturdy ALM (Asset and Liability Management) Desk in the Dealing Room which produces various analytical reports to the ALCO. To support the activities of treasury front office, there is a well staffed independent "treasury back-office" and in order to monitor and manage the bank's balance sheet risk in a more detailed level there is also a "treasury mid-office".
Integrated Treasury Services Help Desk:
Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited
Head Office, 'Symphoy' Plot # SE(F) 9, Road # 142
Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212
Contact: 55045574, 55045575, 01713229382, 01730097269

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